Building Psychological Strength


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Peak Mind Pro: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking Jul 12, 2022

With a never-ending list of demands for our time and attention, squeezing more productivity out of our days is imperative. Multitasking may seem like the answer. Doing multiple things at once means being more efficient and effective, right? 


Not only is multi-tasking a myth,...

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Peak Mind Pro: Mindfulness Is Your Competitive Edge Jun 14, 2022

If there was a magic pill that made you sharper, more effective, more creative, and more socially skilled while simultaneously improving the quality of your decisions and reducing the number of mistakes you made - with side effects of lower stress and more happiness - would you take it?


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How Are You Protecting and Maximizing This Important Psychological Resource? Jun 13, 2022

Your attention is an important psychological resource. How you use your attention makes a huge impact on the quality of your life. That's why you have to learn how to protect, preserve, and maximize your attention span.


When you think about your important resources and how they influence...

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0351 | Take a Self-Compassion Break Jun 08, 2022

There's no denying it - the last handful of years have been very challenging. Aside from the personal adversity we've all felt in our individual lives, we've faced incredible collective adversity. The pandemic. Political divide. Crime and mass shootings. It has all been a lot to handle, and many...

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0330 | Five Life-Changing Practices Jan 05, 2022

I say it all the time - I actually practice the things I preach on this podcast. In fact, the improvement in my life experience that I've seen since beginning this podcast is one of the best, most unexpected side effects of the podcast!

The last 2 years have been exceptionally challenging for all...

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Mindfulness...from a Former Skeptic Dec 13, 2021

My mom and I are close. I’ve always adored her but, when I was younger, I scoffed a bit at (what I used to call) her Zen-Buddha-karma hippie interests. Like meditation. She was into yoga before it was cool, so I was exposed to it as a teen in the mid-90s. I didn’t mind yoga as...

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0316 - The Difference between Mindfulness and Visualization Sep 29, 2021

Ashley and I have been doing quite a few workshops centered around what psychological strength is and what the components are that make it up. And, there's one component that consistently generates more confusion and questions than any other. That topic is mindfulness.

The skill of mindfulness...

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Peak Mind Pro: What Is Psychological Strength? Sep 21, 2021

What exactly is 'Psychological Strength,' and why is it such an important set of skills for your team to develop? This is the question we'll dive into in this post.

It probably comes as no surprise that our mind is the lens through which we experience and interact with...

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0296 [LIFE] Psychological Strength During a Crisis Aug 04, 2021

It's easy to practice gratitude when life is good. It's easy to feel strong when you're not being tested. However, the real value of psychological strength reveals itself during a crisis. In this episode, I'll share a crisis situation I recently went through and will articulate a handful of...

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0290 [LIFE] Understand Yourself and Deepen Your Relationships Jul 21, 2021

How often do you find yourself feeling reactive to the circumstances life hands you? Human beings are naturally reactive, and many times, that reactivity can actually be helpful. But, many times, our minds are tricked into reactivity in situations that don't actually call for it.

This week,...

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What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness Mar 01, 2021

I came across this excellent metaphor this week, and I have to share it.

You’re driving down the road, and a giant bug splats on the window right in front of you. Maybe you startle a bit as the splat suddenly enters your awareness. Then what?

You can focus all of your attention on...

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Connecting the Dots Jan 11, 2021

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of good riddance to the past year, 2021 made a dramatic entrance, at least in the U.S., when supporters of President Trump stormed the capitol on Wednesday, adding yet another entry to the List of Unprecedented Events.

Whether we’re talking about...

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