
Not Professional Advice / Therapy

We create content (including, but not limited to, our website, written materials, podcasts, e-courses, videos, webinars, and live speaking engagements) based on our expertise in the field of psychology as well as our broader knowledge bases and personal experiences. Our intent is to inspire, educate, and empower you on your personal journey of self-improvement by providing useful information and self-help tools.

While we often draw on evidence-based psychological theory, research, and practices, our content and products are not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. If you believe you would benefit from such treatment or if you are struggling with a serious mental health issue, please seek help from your doctor or other qualified professional. 

Use of our content or participation in one of or trainings does not constitute the establishment of a provider/patient relationship. We do not provide mental health treatment or services. We provide education and training.


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We only link to books, products, and services that we have reviewed and that we whole-heartedly believe in. Our goal is to provide you with the best, most relevant products, while compensating ourselves for our work and our time. Should you ever have a concern or question, you may reach out to us on our contact page