We’ve just about done it…survived 2020!
With the unspoken promises of a new year, a new start, on the horizon, this is often a time of reflection and planning as we resolve to make changes and strive to be better than our previous selves.
New Year’s resolutions represent fresh starts to some and unavoidable failures to others. Regardless of your stance, as this tumultuous year comes to a close, let's resolve to make our future selves proud.
Reflect on this year.
Not only on the losses and changes or the things that did or didn’t happen, but also on how you were affected. How did you rise to – or crumble under – the pressures and challenges? How did your habits change over the past 12 months? What concessions did you make and what strengths did you lean on, all in the name of “getting through” the day, week, month, year? Give yourself props for doing just that – getting through – and be honest with yourself about where and how you shined and where and how you let yourself down.
Now reflect a bit differently.
Imagine yourself 10 years from now. COVID is fading in the world’s memory. Inequality has improved dramatically. Economic stability is taken for granted. There’s less division, hatred, and anger in our communities. Things are just better overall. Imagine yourself, 10 years from now, looking back, recalling your experiences in 2020 and the ways you navigated them. Is Future You proud? If not, why?
What do you want to be able to say about the way you showed up for and maneuvered through this unprecedented year?
Let that answer be the guide to your New Year’s resolution.
What skills do you need to develop? What habits do you need to change? What values do you need to embody more often?
Let’s agree that the goal is no longer merely surviving. It’s thriving. No matter what 2021 brings.
"Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

Written by Dr. Ashley Smith
Peak Mind Co-founder